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3d design DN5011


Approved to run: 2017/18

Module credits: 30

Total study hours: 300, 180 guided independent study, 120 learning  & taught activities

Assessment: 100% coursework

Prior learning requirements: L4 pass

Group A: Thurs 13.00-17:00


Module summary

As humans, we live in a continuous and ongoing relationship with the made world, where the former and the latter each inform the other.  This module aims to investigate  through design and physical realisation, how an understanding of human needs and desires, physical, psychological, sociological  and economic, and of people as individuals and in society, can aid successful design.

Informed selection and application of material processes are an intrinsic part of the design and production of both objects and the made environment and will be central to this module. However, understanding of material and process is not sufficient to ensure good design. Close observation and analysis of the interaction between people and their natural and designed environments will also be at the core of this area of study. You will discover and show how clear and detailed understanding of these relationships is vital to relevant, safe and ethical, innovative and viable design that responds to real needs. Your response might be in the field of critical or narrative design that fosters debate and emotional reward, or it might be focused on user-centred design, environmentally secure manufacturing, or system/ service design. In any of these cases you will be expected to understand and show how your design work and its outcomes are the result of credible research, and how it relates to users, (both principal and incidental), in practice.

Workshop activities will explore and test ideas, resolving design issues and proposing solutions through modelling in traditional and digital materials and technologies. Material experimentation and knowledge will enhance both the concept and its communication.

You will normally select from a range of studio projects, working with contemporary ideas and practising designers, mentored by professional practices as appropriate to the project.

Module aims

This module seeks to enable you to:

  • identify and develop appropriate research, observation, measurement and analysis methods for 3D design

  • heighten your awareness and understanding of peoples’ physical, social, economic and psychological needs and desires in relation to designed objects and environments

  • respond to your findings through design that has clear concept and purpose related to people, whether conceptual, narrative, ergonomic, ethical or other

  • build your confidence and evolve a distinctive approach to design through research and  interpretation of your findings

  • develop and use relevant professional communication and presentation skills and apply professional codes of conduct and ethics to your work



Through studio projects, students will normally develop knowledge and experience of:

  • analysis of existing creative practice in a relevant field

  • selection or  construction of research methods for 3D  design

  • development and presentation of design project/s resulting from research

  • Project documentation and technical specification

  • development of practical and intellectual knowledge and skills in relevant media and processes for production of outcomes

  • working with users to assess the effectiveness of design proposals

  • seminars and peer reviews to debate your work and that of others

Learning and teaching

Studio projects will normally make use of a range of learning opportunities, such as lectures, seminars and peer reviews, workshops, exhibition, external visits and blended learning.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding: Conduct appropriate research methods and strategies for 3D design centring on human needs whether physical, psychological or economic

Cognitive Intellectual Skills: Apply the outcomes of research to a design process that results in outcomes with clear and defensible rationales

Transferable Skills: Demonstrate an individual approach to 3D design and articulate this across a range of outcomes and media

Subject Specific Practical Skills: Apply the sector specific skills necessary for the communication of the design and your role as the designer

Assessment strategy

At regular reviews, students will present summary of work in progress, including reflection upon intellectual and practical development.

Work in development will be assessed formatively and feedback given. Satisfactory completion of relevant technical/ workshop activities and continuing independent practice will also be monitored. All students are required to undertake formal interim presentations with evidence of continuous reflective journals responding to studio critique and tutorial guidance. Work presented will be subject to formal studio feedback from a panel of disciplinary specialists. This will inform final assessment marks and must be considered and acted upon by the student.

A final mark is given at the end of the module, as a measure of the qualities of the completed portfolio in relation to achieving the module’s learning outcomes. Written summative assessment will be provided corresponding to published assessment criteria. Work must be carefully organized and presented to indicate the development of work and the content clearly labeled. Coursework requirements will be stipulated in project briefs and detailed in the module guide. Students are required to attend all timetabled taught studio and workshop sessions.


Bairstow, J, Barber, R and Kenny,M (1999) Design Modelling, Hodder & Stoughton
Blanc, A. (1994) Internal Components, Longman
Busch, A. (2005) The Uncommon Life of Common Objects, Metropolis
Butler, J et al (2010) Universal Principles of Design, Rockport
Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally Durable Design, Earthscan
Clarkson, J (ed.) (2003) Inclusive Design: Design For the Whole Population, Springer
Colchester,C (2000) The New Textiles, Thames & Hudson
Cunningham, J. (2005) Contemporary European Narrative Jewellery, Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council
Fuad-Luke A (2003) The Eco-Design Handbook, Thames and Hudson

Fulton, H., et al (2005) Narrative and Media, Cambridge University Press
Malnar, J & Vodvarka, F (2004) Sensory Design, University of Minnesota Press.
Norman, D (2004) Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Basic
Parsons,T (2009) Thinking : Objects, Contemporary Approaches to Product Design, AVA
Thomson, R (2007) Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, Thames and Hudson

Additionally texts and other reference materials will be identified by studio tutors annually that support a
specific studio theme.

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