Overhead router and sledge pin jig
Interwood OFC overhead router, serial no 19470 (1970)
1. Put on ear defenders and safety glasses
2. Check that the machine isolation switch is on
Tool set up
3. Depress cutter head raise/lower pedal to raise the cutter head and use the black handle on the side of the cutter head to lock it up
4. Insert the first machine spanner into the machine
5. Use the other spanner to loosen and remove the cutter tool assembly, i.e. cutter, collet and outer collar
6. Remove old cutter and replace in holder
7. Remove collet from outer collar
8. Insert new cutter with appropriate collet into the outer collar
9. Insert new cutter tool assembly into the machine and fasten with the two spanners
10. Remove the spanners and replace in holder
Pin set up
11. Select a pin of the same width as the cutter
12. Insert pin in sleeve below table so that it sits at the same level as the table and fasten in place
Fix workpiece in jig
13. Position workpiece in jig
14. Ensure that the workpiece is fast against fixed edges
15. Position adjustable edges to hold workpiece fast and screw them down so that the workpiece cannot move
Position pin, workpiece and cutter
16. Press pedal to raise cutter head and lock it up
17. Turn handle to raise pin
18. Position jig and workpiece near to cutter head and lower table by unlocking the table rise/fall mechanism, using the wheel below the table and locking the rise/fall mechanism again so that the jig and workpiece fit underneath the guard
19. Position the jig over pin where you want to start cutting
20. Release cutter head clamp and release pedal gently to lower the cutter head. Adjust the cutter position so that it is just above the workpiece when the cutter head raise/lower pedal is completely released: unlock the wooden height stop, turn the nurled metal adjuster so that the threaded rod stops the cutter head at the desired depth
21. Raise the cutter head, clamp up and adjust the height of the cutter lower to the cutting depth required. The cutting depth should be no more than the diameter of the cutter, less for harder woods or if the cutter is blunt (although the cutter should not be blunt).
Rout material
22. Turn the isolator switch to on
23. Take up weight of cutter head by depressing pedal
24. Release cutter head clamp
25. Turn machine on at wall and at table
26. Release pedal gently to lower the cutter head and cutting tool to its starting position and position feet comfortably
27. Move jig and workpiece, guided by pin to rout the workpiece
28. When first pass is complete, raise the cutter head, switch machine off and clamp head up
29. Check depth of rout
30. Adjust cutter depth for second (or following passes)
31. Repeat steps 21 - 27 until desired depth is achieved
Pack up
29. Turn isolator switch on
30. Remove jig from router table
31. Release workpiece
32. Put jig away
33. Release pin and put away
34. Using the two machine spanners, unfasten cutter tool assembly, put cutter and collet away, refix outer collar and put spanners away